Applying Scrum in A Game Development Life Cycle For Small Scale Game Project


  • Yehezkiel Yosua Parlindungan Siahaan University Student, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, West Java, Indonesia
  • Yani Widyani Research supervisor, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, West Java, Indonesia
  • M. Zuhri Catur Candra Research supervisor, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, West Java, Indonesia



Video Game, GDLC, Game Development Life Cycle, Agile Scrum, Game Development


This research aims to develop a GDLC game development life cycle that focuses on the core stages of software development process. This GDLC proposal consists of 4 stages, namely Pre-Production, Production, Testing, and Release. This proposed GDLC is
expected to provide adaptive but consistent guidance for game project design. These conditions are suitable for small-scale game development teams, with small project scales, and short work periods (under 1 year).

Pre-Production functions as the initial stage for creating the basis game design for the project linearly. Production, which is carried out using the Scrum approach, is the stage of video game development based on that previously made design. The Testing phase ensures the quality of the game through overall game testing. Lastly, the Release phase includes completing documentation for post-release planning.

This GDLC was designed by summarizing the core stages of various existing GDLCs and SDLCs related to multimedia software development. Scrum is implemented per stage, with iteration loops starting and finishing within that stage. However, in general,
this GDLC is linear. This GDLC is validated with a case study of an actual video game development to ensire its efficiency in helping game developers.




How to Cite

Siahaan, Y. Y. P., Widyani, Y. ., & Candra, M. Z. C. (2023). Applying Scrum in A Game Development Life Cycle For Small Scale Game Project. International Journal of Information Technology, Research and Applications, 2(4), 24–37.



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